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Nobody's Angel

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Something's disturbed me
I'm out of your company
I'm Out of the country
With another man's heart
I'm angered and doubtful
And I'd shout an earful
But nothing comes out
When I open my mouth

I'm nobody's angel now
(she's out of the country now)
Nobody's angel now
(she's out of the country now)
And if I can't give love
I can't rise above the clouds
Nobody's angel now

I was the forest for love songs
The one who can't love wrong
The one who won't fall
But will still write it down
I'm the one who would understand
Who listens with pen in hand
I'm everyone's shoulder
Till it's me who falls down


I'm grounded and rusty
An' my dance card is dusty now
Because I wanted to be
What the angels see
When they look down
Just a couple on the avenue
With their feet on the ground
And I'm nobody's angel now

Something's disturbed me
I'm out of your company
I'm out of the country now
Something's disturbed me
I'm out of your company
I'm out of the country
Nobody's angel now
(she's out of the country now)
Nobody's angel now
(she's out of it)
I'm out of the country now
I'm out of the country
And nobody's angel now




Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

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