Do you remember those words you whispered to me
On that faithful day in Italy Mr be ?
I can hear you singing face on fire blue skies
Your eyes my beautiful liar
I'm still breathing you can't kiss me kill me darling
I know you miss me can't resist me call me Miss B
I love it when you call me Miss B.
Can you see me red light my lips she can never be me
She can never be me now I'm screaming what can I break?
Silver lake, San Francisco, Switzerland, Lacumza, England, Budapest, Mulhouse,
June 10th, June 10th do you remember June 10th?
I remember when we first met
Do you remember or do you forget?
You were so perfect, so pure like an angel
You were like an angel, amen
My God my God he is just so beautiful,
So fuckin amazing and every night I would watch you,
I would watch you watching me and we swore that nothing would come between us
That none will come between us do you remember?
Laying down in the middle of the street in the middle of the night
In the centre of you I was humbled by your power,
Somewhere in hell digging the hell out of you, digging the hell in you
My co conspirator, my executioner, my sacrificial lamb,
My friend, my lover, my martyr are you my enemy now?
You once asked me 'Is Existence All We Share?'
You tell me when you remember June 10th, do you remember June 10th.