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You spin me round and your hands they show it
I'm clay to you
Soon my friends will find me passed out
Of breath what I say to you
No my lungs won’t let me they do not rest
Inhale for me a couple more ugly thoughts
I'm a Picasso painting on the sidewalk
Watch out, please

Take me for granted i'm like the moon
Only, in a thousand years I
Would stray from you but I’m trying
To hold on to something I can't see
It must be gravity

Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce
Remember when we drove out to Saint Pete?
Remember that ring that you gave me?
Who's this new girl you're with lately?
Does she get your jokes even faintly?

I'm not your safety crutch
I'd say you're out of your mind
But you're like this all the time
Do I love her i don’t know, maybe
I know that we’ll get farther
Than your selfishness would take me chick
I'm upset what you’d think I'd forget
How you made me feel
I can't heal when you're at my
Door with these 12 inch heels
And you must be real damn proud of yourself
Girl you need help
Tried but you dealt that fatal blow
Now you’re trying to creep
Like they don't know
Niggas in the club maybe they don't know
They don't care afraid it's so
You frayed this soul

Take me for granted i'm like the moon
Only in a thousand years I
Would stray from you but I'm trying
To hold on to something I can't see
It must be gravity



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