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Surpassing The Boundaries Of Human Suffering



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Starving and forgotten, drowning in bile.
Organs dissolved by stomach acid.
Vomiting your faeces over your emaciated frame.
Pyorrhea develops as the shit gushes past your teeth.
Oxygen depleting, shit rolls down your chest.
Lungs become weak as they fill with phlegm.
Maggots in your dick, mucus surrounds your feet.
Lying broken, fucking maggot screaming, forgotten, stinking.
Anus leaking, putrid rectum reeking, penis rotten fecal.
Feel the shit in your throat, you will die in a fecal choke.
Regurgitate your own guts, blood and shit from anal cuts.
Re-digesting, vomit becomes shit disgusting.
Lying broken, fucking maggot screaming, forgotten, stinking.
Anus leaking, putrid rectum reeking, penis rotten fecal.
Suffocate in anal vomit.
Dislocate the rectal passage.
Faeces seeping from your orifice, vomiting your intestine tract your sphincters slack your rotting.
Feasting on your shitty remains.


Jason Evans, Lyn Jeffs, Sam Yates, Sean Hynes


Lyrics © Reservoir Media Management, Inc.

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